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Citrus Harvest to Brighten the Rainy Weeks

It’s been raining incessantly for weeks now with more on the way. As we’ve been indoors during this time, I finally got a little stir crazy this weekend and harvested some citrus in the garden (with a rain jacket of course). A large branch of our Meyer lemon tree had also snapped during the heavy storms so we harvested some lemons to have with honey and tea. The bright colors and fresh scents of citrus made me smile, leaving me feeling a little refreshed.

We bought a mechanical juicing press about a year ago, after trying a similar model at a friend’s house. It’s a lot more effective than electronic juicers and easier to clean. I’d highly recommend. That being said, it is rather amazing how many oranges it takes to make a fresh cup of OJ. Totally worth it though.

It’ll be officially spring next week. I’m looking forward to some sunshine again soon, but hoping all this rain brings flowers.