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Twenty Things I’d Tell My Younger Self

I’ve been dedicating a lot of my time to mentoring the last several years and the questions I’ve received have often made me think about advice I’d give myself back then - both in career and life.

  1. When looking for your dream job or figuring out what that is - first think about what you want to be doing every day and then figure out where you can find that. Forget about the titles and names. 

  2. Don't let others' expectations and wants influence decisions and choices you make. It's your life, not theirs.

  3. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you, but also people who comfort you too. 

  4. Take vacations, even if they're short getaways for a day. It's ok to take a break and in many cases, makes you better equipped to keep charging ahead on whatever you're working on.

  5. Don't be afraid to voice a different opinion than the crowd. Respectfully stand your ground.

  6. Women can be sexist, too. Not every man is like every man. Give people a chance. Just because you're a woman, doesn't mean you have to be like every woman to be a woman. Be you. 

  7. Be ok saying no. 

  8. When speaking, make sure your sentences end with a downward tilt in your tone. Especially if you're not trying to ask a question. Make a statement sound like one.

  9. Clothes are a statement. They can be armor too. Wear clothes that emanate the feel you're looking for. Wear clothes for the occasion. Wear clothes that actually fit you.  

  10. Less is more. Only keep things you love. 

  11. Don't worry about what others think of you. 

  12. Not everyone will like you and that's ok.

  13. Don't be afraid of people who will copy you. Focus on continuing to create. 

  14. Always find a way because there is always a way.

  15. Don't settle for less. You're worth it. And the wait is worth it too.

  16. Take a moment every single day to think about something or someone you're thankful for. 

  17. Before you react or start venting, think about how you'll affect the people around you too. Make a conscious decision to put those you love and care about first.

  18. Some people will never change and that's ok. Move on.

  19. Question everything.

  20. More than grades, test scores, or the number of credentials you have - life is dull without passion and drive.