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The Last Two Weeks

The last two weeks have been incredibly busy at work - in a good way. I live for those high intensity bursts of design, engineering, tackling challenges with the team, and working with talented people who also enjoy a good sense of humor.

I’ve spent two weeks traveling for work, one week on either end of the country. And now at the end of it all, I’m finally going home. Home to my bed. Home to home cooked meals!

Even though I am utterly exhausted, it's a satisfying kind of exhaustion. Though I can't talk about what I've been working on, I can say I've had the chance to meet some incredibly talented people - the kind who have mastered their field of work and the kind you can go up to and ask to teach you everything they know. Ever since I could remember, I have always had a never ending hunger to learn and to learn more. It’s amazing. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. And there’s something comforting and awe inspiring about that. A relief that there will be more to experience, learn, and discover. To wonder at. It's like a spark that never dies.

But now, it's time to unwind, to recharge, to relax. At least for a little bit. It's good to be home.